Zicky! I have been rambling on about The Delvimium! I mean, I know it’s intriguing and so related to everything I was working on in school before the war. But I haven’t finished telling about what happened to me and what I’m doing here now. As I said, I’m fine! I suppose those stories I just told you might make you think that things here aren’t OK, but they are! Because of all the things I told you about, it is just amazing how clever this race has become with genetics, bio-mechanics, surgery, drug therapy and the like. I simply wouldn’t be here if they weren’t!
Anyway… they, as they say, re-vitalized’ me. They were able to rebuild my middle, get my heart started and recover my brain patterns. The alien, well, Delvimium derived, protoplasmic, bio-repair parts that they had to use to re-vitalize me have integrated well into my body and I feel perfectly normal. My doctors say I’m the picture of health and I feel it. I don’t even have a scar! The Earth Space Navy Doctor who saw me a week ago called me a stable, if unusual, Chimera. It had kind of a nice sound to it. The name I mean. I haven’t had time to look it up.
During my recovery (short and pleasant I might add) I spent a great deal of time with Clan Mother Luzeneaa. It is old. Very old, several hundreds of our years I think. It will never have another egg. Very, very wise and so knowing…. about life, I mean. We talked about what is important. It told me so many things. It taught me so much! Things just seemed to flow into my mind. I never have trouble remembering what It told me, that’s why I know so much about them. As I grew stronger, they let me have complete freedom. After all, I am a Delvim Citizen! I went where I wished, saw what I wanted, met The Delvimium on their own terms, in their own cities and ClanHolds. I saw their Society operate and was allowed… NO! Encouraged to participate! Somehow, I had no trouble picking up the language. Sometimes, it was as if I already knew it but had just forgotten for awhile. Well, there are some sounds I can’t make but they just laugh because they know who I am and they accept me.
Then, one day, they came for me. It was the Captain-General of the Prime Military Clan, and his aide. They were much larger than Delvimium I had seen before. They were intimidating but polite. I was asked to accompany them in their flycar to their ClanHold. When we arrived I was taken to a theater-like room and given a very complete presentation. It was the information recovered from the wreck of the “Renprn”. Many weeks had been needed to decode, translate, verify and prepare the report. The information was very complete and they said it was totally damning! (These Military people do use some strong words!) There was nearly a full transcript on the proceedings of the Tropar Master Council. It revealed an enormous duplicity behind Tropar actions. Orders from the Tropar Planetary Command to the Fleet Commanders revealed the bait, the lies, and the intended fate of Earth and Delvim. The Tropar Fleet Battle Plan contained the locations of all the Tropar Space Fleet, their orders and objectives but best of all and most important, it contained the codes needed to decipher Tropar Space Fleet Communications! The Battle Plan also noted the location of all Earth ships, even those not with the Tropar fleet. It was one of them that we contacted. I identified myself and let them scan my implanted ID chip. We supplied them with the entire intelligence packet and requested a meeting with the Delvimium after they had had time to examine the truth of the information. Translating intercepted Tropar Military communications codes on HyperCom alone was enough for Earth to call the meeting. I’m sure you’ve seen and heard the rest of it on the HyperWave.
Oh, I’ve been invited back to Earth for a Hero’s Welcome and thanks and all that, but I don’t really feel like I did much! I mean, I did help a bit to reveal the Tropar for the plotters and savage pirates they really are.