Then too, there is the matter of the twenty or so ‘Starflame’ crew members left behind on Metis. No offense intended Reyard, but I believe the entire business has affected discipline in the Space Corps in particular and certainly among my marines who served on that ship!”
“No offense taken General; however, I would remind you that the voyage was the furthest and longest in duration by almost a factor of two. Most of the crewmen spent considerable time on Metis. They have certainly had time to consider their experiences and as I have indicated, the women of Metis are quite persuasive.”
“I can assure you that the issue of the crewmen left on Metis will be thoroughly dealt with by my committee, General!” intoned Judge Flamone. “We are led to believe it was at the request of the Government of Metis.”
“So I’ve heard,” said the General. “I can understand the few political cadres but the rest of those people were active military, including some of my marines. I eagerly await the answer to that! Why would the politicians need that many guards on a peaceful world?”
“Reyard, you have obviously been quite taken with these, as you describe them, ‘persuasive women’ yourself to have adopted off-world dress and to all appearances, perhaps a religion, but you say there is no religion, no cult? What is this business about shearing off men’s hair with stone blades? Is it some kind of blood ritual? Why are you, alone, dressed in animal skins?”
“General, please! Ease the assault. At least allow our guest a moment to answer.”
“Thank you, Senator Moxman. The General has concerns and I will be happy to answer as best I can. First, General, as I said, there is no religion on Metis and no blood ritual. As to the stone knives, they are called ‘Flints’ and I’m afraid that story would take yet more of your valuable time. You have all been most courteous with your attention as it is. I do wish I could stay and regale you with more stories but I see by the time that I should prepare to depart, my travcap will arrive for me soon.”
“You have been generous with your information and very patient with our questions and such, Reyard,” said Speaker Terwillen, “but I wonder if you might favor us with but one more short story, something not included in official reports, perhaps something more personal?”
“Excellent idea!” seconded Senator Stamert, “If you don’t mind, an explanation as to how you have come to go ‘native’, as it were. Military men and stone knives make some sense to me; but what is this business of dressing in animal skins, Reyard? It isn’t even done on Metis. Their fashions seem quite sophisticated, certainly the ones that have been adopted here as a result of the Guild Hypewave Dispatches; as General Wellens notes, only you in hides? We are all quite curious about the phenomena. Is this a ploy for the hirsute breasted adventurer?”
“Obviously I am also quite interested in the stone knives, ah… Flints!” injected the General. “I find it very interesting that so peaceful a people would have such a talisman.”
Reyard again stroked the exotic animal tail with the curious gesture, coughed and said, “Well, gentlemen, I have no objection to one more tale. I do have several people who will arrive in my travcap expecting to move to my next appointment with me. Senator Moxman, perhaps you could ask your security staff to see them in if we are not quite done here.”
“Of course, Reyard, I shall do so, your companions are certainly welcome. Please excuse me for a moment and I will make arrangements. Halbert, please refresh the libations of those in need, I shall return shortly.”
“It will be my pleasure, Senator.”
Reyard stood from his chair saying, “Thank you sir, my friends will no doubt be grateful for a moment’s respite from sitting in a travel capsule.”
Moxman left his seat and let himself out through the door. Several of the guests made quiet comments among themselves while others stepped to the bar.