Come on… The Neighborhood?
It’s the same everywhere…
“The warmth of Qnenmund upon you, Omnadth.”
“Upon you as well, Adradth, Nest Sibling. But I perceive, do I not, that you are in a state of distress and concern? Am I to understand some twoomna, perhaps a nest mate, one who may dwell down by the yubnop, vormd the neighbors wamph?”
“It is so! Some twoomna, at this time unknown…”
“Under the Eye of Stangeg!”
“So it would seem.”
“No doubt they of the vormd wamph called the Chornir?”
“Oh yes… and filed Rimmnoth Avreet with the Tarqf!”
“Vegni! Pardon my Blarnf… Over a wamph! Not that I would denigrate the loss of one’s wamph, what I mean to say is… this seems serious. They must be extremely upset.”
“Well… yes, but are we, the rest of us, are we not all aware that they have brought this on themselves?”
“True, true, but to blatantly vorm the thing right in their Jrrnaat… well, no…, but inside the Jrrnaatlew as I heard! Was the vorm listed with the Chornir?”
“That detail is as veiled as its wielder.”
““Oh, I don’t condone it in principal, of course, but I have guested at the Jrrnaat right in the next bloort and I can tell you, the moment the Warmth of Qnenmund would fade and Stangeg’s Eye bloom, that Ddempth cursed… pardon me, un-mentored wamph would start to zoodl. Zoodl, zoodl, zoodl, and not stop until Emdrobguss. It is enough to make one go gleggz!”
“Ekblurm, the Blarnf inholder, confided to me that they had been terrified by that wamph zoodlug at them as they passed. I have experienced it myself. As you know, I neq my own nano-wamph on occasion in the last dlinnl of Qnenmund. Passing that Jrrnaat was always a stressful occasion. Their wamph would throw a lumugort and near tear down the Jrrnaatlew trying to get at us; thoroughly frightening at times! I do say, privately of course, I really won’t miss that one.”
“I don’t think any twoomna in the entire Qwennch will! I confess, I thought about doing the thing in myself a time or two but I would never have had the courage, much less to vorm it!”
“Myself as well. Do you expect they will prevail with Rimmnoth Avreet?”
“Not even under the gaze of offended Stangeg would have they a chance! When the Tarqf consults the Qwennch It will hear, as we have, these tales of that particular wamph.
“So… While we certainly deplore the unfortunate need for an invasion of the sanctity of the Jrrnaat and regret the misuse of a vorm: the Warmth of Qnenmund upon our unknown benefactor and may they remain anonymous! I suspect we can agree on the Pyanthf of the passing of this particular wamph.”
“Privately, of course!”
“Oh, of course!”
Their bodies shake as they glmthuthf together then they touch shmum and turn away from each other to part. “Safe being then, Omnadth”
“Clear Passages, Adradth.”